Wednesday, September 14, 2016

"To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science."
— Albert Einstein

Villagers in the Democratic Rep. of the Congo
install 5 wells in 2 weeks using the Village Drill
Spring 2016 
When the Village Drill was first created in 2011 it was not much more than the physical manifestation of a dream. John Renouard was seeking a tool to not only provide affordable access to clean drinking water to those without, but also to provide a means through which the same tool could be used to improve the socio-economic status of those who used and benefitted from it. 

Five years later there have been over 640 boreholes/wells drilled in countries on four different continents with the Village Drill. As you read this there are nearly 50 drills in action around the globe. Through the efforts of and our partnering organizations, the Village Drill has brought water to almost 300,000 people. Aside from the water, the Village Drill has created numerous jobs for those working the equipment, local economic stimulus from the transport and manufacture of the drills, as well as generally improved economic conditions associated with the proximity of safe, clean water.
Our engineers always looking
for ways to improve. 2016

Our excitement continues as we add countries to the growing list of locations where the drill is being used. Among others, we currently have drills headed to new locations in Burkina Faso, Liberia, South Sudan and Ethiopia.

Based on creative solution development, the Village Drill team and continue to seek ways to improve conditions in developing areas. As part of that commitment, WHOlives recently welcomed Mitch Searle and Beth Manning to the crew as they both bring high energy, innovative solutions and experience to our development.

Check Out our friends World
Vision and the work they
are doing in Rwanda
with the Village Drill.

Contact us today as we work to not only bring awareness to an age-old problem, but to create solutions to overcome it.

Micah Steffensen
Village Drill Team